owner of Aardvark Action Marketing. Here are a few of their comments:
Chris Smith, Previously Sales & Marketing Manager, Applied Photophysics, UK
"An excellent consultant who has given us great value, supplying us with on-time and effective materials and advice for successful product launches and sustained sales ... leading to effective operation across international boundaries ... I unreservedly recommend this consultancy and Glenn Pickett in particular.”
Sertan Ince, Export Manager, NÜVE, Turkey
“If the experience, positive energy and different way of looking are combined, the success is guaranteed as Glenn did. I learnt a lot from Glenn and I am still learning from him.”
Bimal Desai, Marketing & Bus. Dev. Director at Thermo Fisher Scientific, India
"Glenn has been an strong communicator with in depth knowledge of technology and an ability to convert his knowledge to business. Someone that all of his colleagues and customers like. A great professional!"
Rob Darrington, VP Technical Marketing. EMEAA, SP Industries, UK
"As consultant, Glenn delivers insightful, relevant and useful marketing support and back up services. Top Qualities: Expert, Good Value, High Integrity."
Maurizio Merli, EMEA Comm. Director, Thermo (previously at Jouan Italia), Italy
"Glenn is an outstanding communicator, has a brilliant and creative mind and a capillary knowledge of the lab equipment global market dynamics. With an extraordinary inner energy, he has been an unequalled initiator of ideas and programs to implement the business development goals; ideas that he has shared with passion and a genuine orientation to the company results and the growth of the team."
“Glenn è un comunicatore eccezionale, ha una mente geniale e creativa e una conoscenza capillare delle dinamiche del mercato globale dell'attrezzatura da laboratorio. Con un'energia interna straordinaria, è stato un iniziatore ineguagliabile delle idee e dei programmi per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di sviluppo aziendale; idee che ha condiviso con passione e un orientamento genuino ai risultati della società ed alla crescita del gruppo.„
.Miroslav Kužel, Managing Director / ředitel, Trigon Plus, CZ/SLK
“Thank you very much for several presentations concerning laboratory equipments, which you prepared for our company. We use them several times for different congresses with very good results. We believe in near future cooperation in the marketing field. Now we are preparing new projects.”
“Vřelé díky za presentace týkající se naší linie laboratorních přístrojů, kterou jste připravil pro naši společnost. Použili jsme ji na několika odborných kongresech s kladným ohlasem. Věříme ve spolupráci na dalších projektech, které v současnosti připravujeme.”
Steve Knight, Sales & Marketing Director, Porvair Sciences Ltd, UK
"I have known Glenn for many years and found him to be a creative inspiration. New and exciting marketing ideas literally bubble out of him during our conversations. He has repeatedly shown himself to be a supremely competent innovative and creative marketer with a firm command of the laboratory and life science markets built up over many years. I have no hesitation in using and recommending his services to my colleagues & peers."
Andre Wyzenbeek, Managing Director, John Morris Group, AU/NZ
“Glenn is a natural marketer. His exposure to cultures from virtually every corner of the planet and dealings with customers at every level from major account, to manufacturer allow him an insight and instinct into the entire sales funnel. If you want to understand the sales process from your customer’s point of view and predict a sales outcome even before a product is launched, Glenn is your man.”
Rodrigo Moura (previously Sales Manager at Datamed, BR)
“The professional assistance provided by Mr. Glenn Pickett, including motivational presentations, product training, marketing support and presentations to national scientific organizations have helped us to consolidate and increase our presence in the Brazilian market, increasing our market share.”
“A assistência profissional prestada pelo Sr. Glenn Pickett, incluindo apresentações motivacionais, treinamento de produtos, suporte de marketing, apresentações junto à organizações científicas nacionais nos ajudaram a consolidar e incrementar nossa presença no mercado brasileiro, aumentando nossa participação de Mercado mesmo em áreas com forte presença de fabricantes locais.”
Ludmyla Skorik & Tatiana Ponomari'ova, Partners, Danalab, Kiev, UKR"Кто ясно мыслит, тот ясно излагает. Истина не новая, но применима не к каждому. С Гленном Пиккетом мы, представительство фирмы ЖУАН в Украине, проработали 10 лет, и все эти годы восторгались его многогранными способностями. Он блестяще проводил тренинги как с новичками, так и с дистрибьюторами, приехавшими на ЖУАН не в первый раз, рассказывая не только об оборудовании и его важнейших технических деталях, но и о том, как заинтересовать покупателя, построить стратегию общения с ним и привлечь именно к нашим ( ЖУАН) приборам. Грамотный инженер и тонкий психолог, Гленн располагал к себе доброжелательностью, работоспособностью, умением чётко изложить сложный материал. Глубокое понимание процессов, связанных с функционированием приборов, помогало Гленну в составлении описаний и буклетов к приборам, а по инструкциям ( User manual) , скомпонованным Гленном, много лет с благодарностью работали пользователи разнообразных приборов."